I found a really neat blog yesterday called, The Simple Woman. She has a great idea called the "Simple Woman's Daybook", which I've filled out below. Go on over and do one for yourself. Make sure to follow the guidelines.

FOR TODAY, June 11, 2008
Outside My Window... our 6 year-old is playing with her friends.
I am thinking... how much I enjoy staying at home with our three kids.
I am thankful for... my husband's job.
From the kitchen... rotisserie chicken, buns, and potato salad.
I am wearing... a white long-sleeved v-neck from Old Navy, and drawstring sweats from Aeropostale.
I am creating... our family schedule and chore lists for June .
I am going... nowhere today. We are saving gas by using only one vehicle, and running errands all in one day.
I am reading... too many books and magazines to count. I wish I had more time to finish them!
I am hoping... that everything will be okay with someone close to me.
I am hearing... my 6 month-old snoring on my lap and XM Classics.
Around the house... my 2 year-old and 6 month-old are sleeping.
One of my favorite things... waking up to sunshine, coffee, and something sweet.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: get the house in order.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
I bought 5 pounds of strawberries and 1/2 grocery bag full of rhubarb. I canned some jam that didn't set, but it sure is tasty!
I am going... nowhere today. We are saving gas by using only one vehicle, and running errands all in one day.
I am reading... too many books and magazines to count. I wish I had more time to finish them!
I am hoping... that everything will be okay with someone close to me.
I am hearing... my 6 month-old snoring on my lap and XM Classics.
Around the house... my 2 year-old and 6 month-old are sleeping.
One of my favorite things... waking up to sunshine, coffee, and something sweet.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: get the house in order.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

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