Wednesday, May 11, 2011


We love Nebraska.
When we found out we had orders here, so many people looked at us with blank stares and replied, "NeBRASKA?"
We love that it is in the Midwest.  People are so friendly.  When we first got here, I had to retrain myself to smile and look up when walking by people.  In Nebraska, people actually smile and say "hello" to complete strangers.  It is fantastic!
Where we live, there are so many things to do.  If we feel like driving in the country, we can.  In 15 minutes, we could be sitting down at the symphony, or enjoying a seven course dinner at a wonderful restaurant. 
We are close to family.  We've had so many visitors since we first moved here.  We've been able to go home to Minnesota and see family in Missouri without planning for a 2-3 day car ride back.  The weather is fantastic!  It has been in the high 90's the past couple of days.  We get all four seasons and I love that.
We found a church and knew it was "the one" after the very first Sunday.  After so many years of church shopping and hopping, this was huge for us.
But, this all scares me.
This is the first place we've lived that I have opened my heart up as much as I have.  In all the places we've lived across the US, I've felt that it was only temporary, so I didn't settle in.  I know that anything can happen and we could be moving in two months.  I am praying that our plan to stay here until my husband retires is also God's plan.  But, I need to stop living in the "what ifs" and enjoy our time here like it is our forever home.


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