Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful for...
1. A message from the clinic calling to say I needed to reschedule.
2. Getting the stink-eye from our littlest for snatching back my banana bread from her.
3. Our 3 year-old's love for his big sister.
4. Watching said 3 year-old run down the sidewalk (in boxer-briefs) crying being big sister was leaving for school, and just needed "one more hug."
5. Websites like this, that I have been reading for years, but still get something out of.


Jess said...

i am thankful for knowing your three little one's too - and all the stink eye's they give me lol!

Shelly said...

I love the sidewalk running in boxer's for one more hug! My daughter streaks out the front door very often for one more hug from her daddy in the morning!

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