I love election night! I do not consider myself a very political person, but I love this night. We make a huge spread of food, my notebook and pen are busy tallying, campaign signs are hung on the TV console (made by our kids), and we busily flip back and forth from Fox News and CNN. Do you do anything crazy on election night? What issues are you most passionate about?

my meme post is up. . .
I'm normally not very political either. Distance is probably the reason, but we will be watching on election night.
Blessings from an American serving God in Costa Rica
In 2000 I stayed up pretty late with my girlfriend, who is now my wife. In 2004 I stayed up until it was clear that it was going to be President Bush.
I feel that this year it's either going to be pretty obvious early, or an all nighter. Maybe I should just sign up to take next Wednesday off?
Oh awesome! I have never done anything before but this sounds fun!
OH AWESOME! Of all the traditions we practice, I guess we've never done anything for election day. YOU'RE EXCITING ME! Have any good tips for teaching children up to/during this time? (((((HUGS))))) sandi
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